Operating Guidelines for Club Members and Visitors

We have two operating layouts Ridgmont and Eaton Downs and the following is a general guideline for using both at Club Meetings.

1. Only battery powered, or gas fired live steam locos are allowed.

2. Book one slot on the running roster initially to give late comers an opportunity.

3. The driver of any loco must be a member of The 16mm Association of Narrow Gauge Modellers and be responsible for the safe operation of the engine. The Association’s rules concerning certification of boilers and gas tanks will apply.

4. Tables with metal trays are provided for the initial preparation of locos, and once ready the engine should be transferred to one of the passing loops or headhunts. Ensure no other live engine is nearby before turning on the gas and lighting the burner.

5. During your run any routine maintenance such as Boiler Top Up can be performed on the running line, but only on the non-scenic areas of Ridgmont. If it is necessary to refill the Gas Tank this must be performed with due caution in a passing loop ensuring no other running engine is nearby.

6. Only members operating a loco or preparing for their run should be within the layout. Persons not running or prepping a loco should only be inside the layout if assisting another member.

7. To prevent a trip hazard all tool and storage boxes should be neatly stored under the layout or tables.

8. At the end of the run the loco should be moved to a headshunt for cooling. Any rolling stock should be removed to allow the next runner to marshal their train in the passing loop.

9. Due to limit siding space the next runner should not put their rolling stock in the passing loop without permission of the current runner, who may need to use the passing loop during the run.

10. Eaton Downs has two circuits of 45mm track connected by crossovers and is for use by a single person operating on the outside of the layout. The outer track is designated as the running line while the inner is to be used for raising steam and to assemble a train.

Operating Ridgmont at Exhibitions

1a. A Track Marshall is to be appointed to ensure that the guidelines are adhered to, or the Exhibition Organiser’s regulations which take precedent.

2a. In addition to the above Operating Guidelines the following also apply.

3a. If the fiddle yard is in place, it should be used for marshalling rolling stock.

4a. The fiddle yard is not to be used for lighting a live steam locomotive or raising steam.

5a. The passing loops are for use by the operating drivers only.

6a. At the end of a run the rolling stock must be returned to the fiddle yard or removed from the layout.

7a. Locomotives must be moved to a head shunt or the fiddle yard for cooling.

8a. Tables to contain drivers tool kits only. Please, no food or drink as we are on view to the public.